
Showing posts from November 29, 2018

When does $(a,b)=(gcd(a,b))$ hold?

up vote 0 down vote favorite I had a look here to understand why $K[X,Y]$ is not a PID. So one of the conclusions was that $(x,y) neq (1) = gcd(x,y)$ , but I thought that $(a,b)=gcd(a,b)$ was always true so obviously I was wrong. But when exactly does this relation hold then, if $ a,b in R$ and $R$ is a ring? ring-theory ideals greatest-common-divisor principal-ideal-domains share | cite | improve this question edited Nov 19 at 13:22 amWhy 191k 27 223 438 asked Nov 19 at 11:45 roi_saumon