
Showing posts from November 13, 2018

Thunderbird sometimes re-downloads old messages

up vote 0 down vote favorite I have configured Thunderbird to download messages through pop3 and I must leave a copy of the messages on the server inbox, so I cannot delete them from the provider. Sometimes (1 - 2 times per year) it happens that Thunderbird starts to download all the messages as if they hadn't been never downloaded. How does Thunderbird keep track of already downloaded messages? Is there any way to avoid this messy situation? Someone suggests to move the messages from the Inbox to an another folder but unfortunately the tools provided make this operation very time wasting. email thunderbird pop3 share | improve this question asked 18 mins ago

Resolving this summation using the given pmf

up vote 0 down vote favorite So I'm trying to derive an expected value (related to Bayesian risk/loss function) and I've derived all except one final part. To finish the final part I need to derive one of the following expected values (either will work) Define the probability mass function $$p_N (n) = {n-1 choose x-1} frac{Gamma(a+b)}{Gamma(a) + Gamma(b)}frac{Gamma(a+x)+Gamma(b+n-x)}{Gamma(a+b+n)}$$ for $n =x,x+1,x+2,dots$ and also define the conditional pmf $$p_N(n|p) = {n-1 choose x-1} p^x (1-p)^{n-x}$$ To complete the final step I need either one of: $$E_N left[ left(frac{x-1}{N-1} right)^2right]$$ or $$E_{N} = left[ left(frac{x-1}{N-1} right)^2 bigg| p right]$$ In previous questions, I've derived the necessary expected values by absorbing the terms into the probability functions in order to constru

Is it ethical to use knowledge in main job for side gig?

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty{ margin-bottom:0; } up vote 100 down vote favorite 6 Suppose I have a main job (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm) that involves lots of computer programming, and one day I build a recommender system for my company (think of making recommendations). My company is in the perfume industry. Now, I also have a part time job (8 hours a week "side gig") in the clothing industry. Based on the knowledge that I gain from my main job, I build a recommender system for this company. I make sure that I build the recommender system without looking at any of my existing code. However, because I just built the other recommender system, I am able to build this recommender system much more quickly. The code for the recommender system I buil