
Showing posts from January 17, 2019

Aligning Tables and TiKz Pictures Vertically

3 I have the following codes. I want to pull the tables to the top of the page so that tables and the tikz picture are aligned vertically at top of the page (as shown in the figure). I need your help in this direction. documentclass[12pt]{standalone} usepackage{tikz} begin{document} begin{tabular}{|l|l|} hline % after \: hline or cline{col1-col2} cline{col3-col4} ... 1 & A \ hline 1 & A \ hline 1 & A \ hline 1 & A \ hline 1 & A \ hline 1 & A \ hline 1 & A \ hline 1 & A \ hline 1 & A \ hline 1 & A \ hline 1 & A \ hline 1 & A \ hline 1 & A \ hline 1 & A \ hline 1 & A \ hline 1 & A \ hline 1 & A \ hline 1 & A \ hline 1 & A \ hline 1 & A \ hline 1 & A \ hli