
Showing posts from January 26, 2019

Prove subset of transformations is a group

0 $begingroup$ I'm trying to prove that the subset of linear transformations given below is a group: Let $T^n$ denote the n-fold composition of any $T∈ℒ(V)$ . For instance, the two fold composition $Tcirc T$ is denoted $T^2$ . Let $T∈ℒ(V)$ such that $T≠I$ and $T^n=I$ . Show that $C_n={I^{},T^{},T^2,...T^{n−1}}$ is a group. linear-algebra abstract-algebra group-theory cyclic-groups share | cite | improve this question asked Dec 2 '18 at 23:21 courtorder52 courtorder52 1 1 $endgroup$


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Github Pages on 1&1 domain has weird behavior

-3 I have a 1and1 domain and web server ( ), and I want to link it with my Github Pages site ( ). I followed the instructions on the Github Help website, and now it works on HTTP on Edge and Firefox, has security errors on HTTPS, and doesn't work at all on Chrome. github web-hosting share | improve this question edited Dec 28 '18 at 14:20 kyleplo asked Dec 28 '18 at 13:37 kyleplo kyleplo 3 4