
Showing posts from March 5, 2019

Condado de Yuba

Para otros usos de este término, véase Yuba. Condado de Yuba Condado Represa Englebright Escudo Ubicación del condado en California Ubicación de California en EE. UU. Coordenadas 39°16′N 121°21′O  /  39.27, -121.35 Coordenadas: 39°16′N 121°21′O  /  39.27, -121.35 Capital Marysville Ciudad más poblada Marysville Entidad Condado  • País   Estados Unidos  • Estado   California  • Sede Marysville Fundación 1850 Superficie    • Total 1,668 km²  • Tierra 1 634,3 km²  • Agua (2,03%) 33,7 km² Población (1 de julio de 2013)    • Total 73 340 hab.  • Densidad 37,1 hab/km² Huso horario Pacífico: UTC-7/-8 Sitio web oficial [editar datos en Wikidata] El condado de Yuba (en inglés: Yuba County ), fundado en 1850, es uno de 58 condados del estado estadounidense de California. En el año 2006, el condado tenía una población de 71,938 habitantes y una densidad poblacional de 37.1

A question on operators of subsets of integer numbers

0 $begingroup$ If $A={x^2-m|xin Z, -3<x<m}$ ( $m$ is a constant number and $Z$ is symbol integer numbers) and $B={x|dfrac{x}{3}in Z, -4<xleq 12}$ and $n(Acap B)=3$ , then prove that the least value for $n(A-B)$ is 2. My work: I guess that if $m=4$ , then $A={0,-3,-4,5,12}$ and so $n(A-B)=2$ . elementary-number-theory arithmetic share | cite | improve this question edited Dec 14 '18 at 17:16 A.G asked Dec 14 '18 at 16:07 A.G A.G 401

How to ignore a tracked file in git without deleting it?

1 1 My team uses sourcetree as our git client. There is a third-party plugin in our project. It needs several configuration files. These files cannot be generated automatically. They store account name, login tokens and some temporary options, which shouldn't be shared. But everyone still needs this file, otherwise it will report error. So now they always stay in our "uncommitted changes" section which is annoying. I have 2 options: Remove these files from git repository. Add them into .gitignore. Ask all my team members to add these files back to their local project with their own settings. See if there are tricks like "ignoring a tracked file without deleting it". (Basically I feel if option 2 was possible, git should have some logic like "If local doesn't have this file,