
Showing posts from February 24, 2019

How to politely refuse in-office gym instructor for steroids and protein

0 In my office, the in-house gym instructor asked me to have protein, ammino and steroids. Almost twice a week he insists me to have those. From my experience, I don't want to use those things at all because I didn't do any heavy lifting or any heavy weight exercises. I feel good after the workout and this helps me to concentrate on my work. But he keeps asking me to use all of the supplements and he also shows me photos of all of the type of the products on a regular interval. I don't want to NO to those products because I want to maintain a friendly environment and he might get offended if I do so. Is there any way around to refuse him politely? colleagues human-resources training share


República de las Seychelles Repiblik Sesel République des Seychelles Republic of Seychelles Bandera Escudo Lema: Finis Coronat Opus (latín: «El fin corona la obra») Himno: Koste Seselwa (criollo seychelense: «Unidos, seychelenses») Capital (y ciudad más poblada) Victoria 4°37′25″S 55°27′16″E  /  -4.6236111111111, 55.454444444444 Coordenadas: 4°37′25″S 55°27′16″E  /  -4.6236111111111, 55.454444444444 Idioma oficial criollo seychelense Francés Inglés Gentilicio Seychellense Forma de gobierno República presidencialista Presidente Danny Faure Órgano legislativo Asamblea Nacional de Seychelles Independencia  • Fecha Del Reino Unido 29 de junio de 1976 Superficie Puesto 198.º  • Total 455 [ 1 ] ​ km²  • Agua (%) Despreciable Fronteras 0 km [ 1 ] ​ Línea de costa 491 km [ 1 ] ​ Punto más alto Monte Seychellois Población total Puesto 180.º  • Censo 100,212 hab. (2015)  •