
Showing posts from March 22, 2019

Guerra de Sucesión polaca

Guerra de Sucesión Polaca Sitio de Danzig (1734), de autor desconocido. Fecha 1733-1738 Lugar Europa: Polonia, Renania e Italia Resultado Victoria franco-hispano-saboyana: Augusto III subió al trono. Tratado de Viena (1738). Beligerantes Estanislao I Reino de Polonia Gran Ducado de Lituania Apoyado por: Reino de Francia Reino de España Reino de Cerdeña Ducado de Parma Augusto III Reino de Polonia Gran Ducado de Lituania Apoyado por: Imperio ruso Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico Archiducado de Austria Reino de Prusia Electorado de Sajonia Comandantes Duque de Parma Duque de Montemar Duque de Berwick† Duque de Broglie Duque de Villars Carlos III de Cerdeña Príncipe de Saboya Conde de Abensberg-Traun Friedrich Heinrich von Seckendorff Conde de Münnich Conde Lacy Bajas 50.000 [ 1 ] ​ 3.000 [ 2 ] ​ 30.000 [ 1 ] ​ [editar datos en Wikidata]   Guerra de Sucesión Polaca 1733-1738 Kehl ( en ) Pizzi

How can I split a complicated line into different fill-able groups?

6 I'm working with Adobe Illustrator for the first time, and I'm coming across something that I think it can do, but I can't find the right Google-words to find it. Ok, first, here's an image to show you the kind of thing that I'm working with: A link to the zipped version of my svg can be found here or a pdf version here to see my starting point. So, to my eye, there are obvious places where one could, in principle, use the Live Paint Bucket Tool to fill regions with color. Of course, when I try to do that directly, it tells me: What I'm stuck on is how to split this line into a bunch of different fill-able islands. And, hopefully, this process is something that's reasonably able to be quick as in, select all, split into islands, and it's done. Thanks!