
Showing posts from December 10, 2018

Holomorphic function on an annulus

up vote 3 down vote favorite Let $f$ be a holomorphic function on the set $U={z in mathbb{C}: 1 leq |z| leq pi }$ . Assume that $max_{|z|=1}|f(z)| leq 1$ and $max_{|z|=pi}|f(z)| leq pi^{pi}$ . How to prove that $max_{|z|=e}|f(z)| leq e^{pi}$ ? Usually in such exercises one considers $g(z)$ of the form $alpha z^nf(z)$ where $alpha$ and $n$ are such that our assumptions on $f$ gives $|g(z)| leq 1$ on both circles being the boundary of $U$ . However it is not guarantedd that $n$ would be integer thus in general we don't get a holomorphic function $g$ for which we could apply the maximum principle. If $n$ happens to be rational one can overcome this difficulty by considering $(alpha z^n f(z))^q$ where $n=frac{p}{q}$ . However in our example $n$ turns out to be $pi$ and by considering $g(z)=f(z)/z^{pi}$ we don&

Dictadura de Francisco Franco

Para la ideología y principios políticos de la dictadura de Francisco Franco, véase franquismo. España Estado Español [ nota 1 ] ​ ← ← 1939-1975 (1968) → (1969) → (1975) → Bandera Escudo Lema nacional: «Una, Grande y Libre» Himno nacional: Marcha Real ¿Problemas al reproducir este archivo?       España       Protectorado de Marruecos       Zona Internacional de Tánger Capital Madrid Idioma oficial Español Religión Católica [ 6 ] ​ [ 7 ] ​ Gobierno Dictadura [ nota 2 ] ​ Caudillo  • 1936-1975 Francisco Franco Presidente del Gobierno  • 1938-1973 Francisco Franco  • 1973 Luis Carrero Blanco  • 1973 Torcuato Fernández-Miranda (interino)  • 1973-1975 Carlos Arias Navarro Legislatura Dictadura militar (1939-1942) Cortes Españolas (1942-1975) Período histórico Segunda guerra mundial, Guerra Fría  • Guerra civil 1936-1939  •