
Showing posts from March 7, 2019


  Indicán Fórmula molecular ? Identificadores Número CAS 487-60-5 [ 1 ] ​ ChEBI 16700 ChEMBL CHEMBL2063300 ChemSpider 390239 PubChem 441564 UNII N187WK1Y1J KEGG C08481 InChI InChI= 1S/C14H17NO6/c16-6-10-11(17)12(18)13(19)14(21-10)20-9-5-15-8-4-2-1-3-7(8)9/h1-5,10-19H,6H2/t10-,11-,12+,13-,14-/m1/s1 Key: XVARCVCWNFACQC-RKQHYHRCSA-N Propiedades físicas Masa molar 295,105587 g/mol [editar datos en Wikidata] El indicán , [ 2 ] ​ indicano [ 3 ] ​ o índican [ 4 ] ​ es un β-glucósido, precursor del índigo, un colorante. [ 5 ] ​ Su hidrólisis genera una glucosa y un indoxilo. [ 6 ] ​ Se puede obtener a partir de Indigofera tinctoria o Polygonum tinctorum , [ 7 ] ​ a través de procesos de extracción con agua. [ 8 ] ​ También está presente en la orina, [ 4 ] ​ circunstancia detectada por el químico inglés Henry Edward Schunck y posteriormente confirmada por el alemán Felix Hoppe-Seyler, hacia 1863. [ 9 ] ​ Tiene sabor amarg

Sync Google Chrome Bookmarks to different Google Accounts

1 How can I sync the bookmarks from my google chrome to my other computers (who are signed in to Google Chrome with different Google accounts) google-chrome sync bookmarks share | improve this question asked Jan 23 at 23:33 Kashif Kashif 135 7 add a comment  |  1

How did Haman know Moshe Rabeinu's Yahrzeit but not his Birthday?

3 I remember learning some years ago in Gemarah Megillah 13: that when Haman drew lots he was happy it landed in Adar since it is the month that Moshe Rabeinu died. However, he didn't know that Moshe Rabeinu was born in that month as well. How and why would Haman know the birthdate of a Jewish leader? (i.e. why would a gentile care to know Jewish trivia?) Say Haman knew it from some Jewish sources, Wouldn't it make sense for someone who heard, that on the 7th day of Adar is Moshe Rabeinu's Yahrzeit, would hear in the same sentence, that on THE VERY SAME DAY was Moshe Rabeinu's birthday? purim tractate-megillah adar haman share | improve this question