
Showing posts from February 15, 2019

linux-mint Font size increased to a large size, now every window garbels display

1 Hey guys I have made a blunder. While i was playing with cinnamon settings I set the font size to 990 from the font icon available in cinnamon settings. Now I cant use any applications because of the font. It garbeles the whole screen. I cannot redo it cos when i somehow manage to open cinnamon settings I cant see the font icon, because of the font size and I even if i maximize that window I cant see the font icon. I can see up to icon themes that's it. Now what to do, Is there any way of setting things to normal. I tried setting cinnamon settings to default but did not work. Now what to do? Is it possible from terminal? linux fonts gnome linux-mint share | improve this question

Trying to solve $x^2=frac 1{ln x}$

1 $begingroup$ Can anyone help me solve $x^2=dfrac 1{ln x}$ ? I don't have any idea. Is there any way to solve it with exponentials? I already proved the existence of the solution by IVT. Indeed the function $f(x)=1/xln x$ is strictly decreasing in $]1;+infty[$ with $lim_{xto 1^+} f(x)= +infty$ and $lim_{xto infty} f(x)= 0$ , so it has to cross the $y=x$ line once. algebra-precalculus share | cite | improve this question edited Dec 9 '18 at 10:27 gimusi 92.8k 8 44 94 asked Dec 9 '18 at 9:51