
Showing posts from February 8, 2019


  Juncaceae Luzula sylvatica Taxonomía Reino: Plantae División: Angiospermae Clase: Monocotyledoneae Subclase: Commelinidae Orden: Poales Familia: Juncaceae (familia nº 98 en LAPG III 2009 [ 1 ] ​) Géneros Andesia = Oxychloe Distichia Ebingeria = Luzula Juncus Luzula Marsippospermum Microschoenus = Juncus Oxychloe Patosia = Oxychloe Rostkovia sensu APWeb [ 2 ] ​ (visitado en enero de 2009) [editar datos en Wikidata] Las juncáceas (nombre científico Juncaceae ) forman una familia de plantas monocotiledóneas parecidas a los pastos, con hojas lineales que poseen vaina y lámina pero no tienen lígula, inflorescencias normalmente condensadas en glomérulos terminales y se diferencian de los pastos porque las flores poseen tépalos obvios, las hojas son trísticas, y los frutos son cápsulas. Han colonizado todos los ambientes en especial los de las zonas templadas, y se polinizan por viento. El nombre de la f

Will deadlocks occur when deleting rows from a table that is being added to by another process?

2 I have to archive data from a table into another table whilst the original table is in use. The archival process is to copy the rows into another table and then delete the rows from the original table. The rows to be archived are selected by a column that has the Identity property. A factor is that the table from which the rows are being archived will be in use - new rows will be written into the table as the archival process is running. This is a 24/7 application that cannot be stopped. The rows that are being deleted are at the low end of the Identity column numbering whilst the new rows will be being added at the end of the table. My concern is deadlocks. Is there a chance that deadlocks could occur between the 2 processes? The archival process will be run from a Stored Procedure? Should I set the DEAD