
Showing posts from November 17, 2018

Partido Popular de la Comunidad Valenciana

Partido Popular de la Comunidad Valenciana Partit Popular de la Comunitat Valenciana Presidente Isabel Bonig Secretario/a general Eva Ortiz Portavoz parlamentario Isabel Bonig (en las Cortes Valencianas) Fundación 1989 Ideología Conservadurismo Liberalismo Reformismo Democracia cristiana Blaverismo Constitucionalismo Posición Centroderecha Sede Plaça d'Amèrica, 2-3ª 46004, Valencia País España Afiliación internacional Unión Internacional Demócrata, Internacional Demócrata Cristiana, Partido Popular Europeo Cortes Valencianas 31/99 Concejales en la Comunidad Valenciana 1202/5784 Ayuntamiento de Valencia 10/33 Congreso de los Diputados 12/33 Senado 9/17 Sitio web 1  Sección del Partido Popular en la Comunidad Valenciana. 2  La definición propia del partido es centro reformista. [editar datos en Wikidata] Candidatura del Partido Popular en las elecciones dee 2015 El

Is password entry being recorded on camera a realistic concern?

up vote 144 down vote favorite 15 I live in a city where CCTV camera coverage is comprehensive and increasing. Cameras are getting cheaper and higher resolution. Everyone has a video camera in their pocket already, and we are starting to see trends which indicate always-on cameras may become commonplace in other devices like glasses. It has occurred to me, when out in public and entering my username/password into apps on my phone and laptop, that if a camera could capture both my screen and my keyboard, it could be fairly straightforward for a viewer to grab or guess my credentials from the footage assuming a high enough resolution image and the view not being (too) obscured. Without going too much into the details of how it would be implemented, the accuracy and cost etc, I have a background in image processing and so am also a