ffmpeg: No trailing CRLF found in HTTP header


I'm trying to use the -headers command in ffmpeg, but with the following command I'm getting a No trailing CRLF found in HTTP header error.

ffmpeg -headers "$(printf 'n%sn%sn%sn%sn%sn%snn' 'Cookie: GPS=1; PREF=f1=50000000&hl=en; VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=YYVg5wZlZM4; YSC=nqFTzbjynHk; s_gl=1d69aac621b2f9c0a25dade722d6e24bcwIAAABVUw==' 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:59.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0' 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8' 'Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7' 'Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5')" -i http://localhost:8000 -v trace

This is the ffmpeg -v output (Note I've also tried with rn, \r\n, \n as well instead of just n still get the same error (the double incase of printf escape)

ffmpeg -headers "$(printf 'n%sn%sn%sn%sn%sn%snn' 'Cookie: GPS=1; PREF=f1=50000000&hl=en; VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=YYVg5wZlZM4; YSC=nqFTzbjynHk; s_gl=1d69aac621b2f9c0a25dade722d6e24bcwIAAABVUw==' 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:59.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0' 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8' 'Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7' 'Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5')" -i http://localhost:8000 -v trace
ffmpeg version 3.4.4-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 Copyright (c) 2000-2018 the FFmpeg developers
built with gcc 7 (Ubuntu 7.3.0-16ubuntu3)
configuration: --prefix=/usr --extra-version=0ubuntu0.18.04.1 --toolchain=hardened --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --incdir=/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu --enable-gpl --disable-stripping --enable-avresample --enable-avisynth --enable-gnutls --enable-ladspa --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libbs2b --enable-libcaca --enable-libcdio --enable-libflite --enable-libfontconfig --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libgme --enable-libgsm --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libmysofa --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopenmpt --enable-libopus --enable-libpulse --enable-librubberband --enable-librsvg --enable-libshine --enable-libsnappy --enable-libsoxr --enable-libspeex --enable-libssh --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libwavpack --enable-libwebp --enable-libx265 --enable-libxml2 --enable-libxvid --enable-libzmq --enable-libzvbi --enable-omx --enable-openal --enable-opengl --enable-sdl2 --enable-libdc1394 --enable-libdrm --enable-libiec61883 --enable-chromaprint --enable-frei0r --enable-libopencv --enable-libx264 --enable-shared
libavutil 55. 78.100 / 55. 78.100
libavcodec 57.107.100 / 57.107.100
libavformat 57. 83.100 / 57. 83.100
libavdevice 57. 10.100 / 57. 10.100
libavfilter 6.107.100 / 6.107.100
libavresample 3. 7. 0 / 3. 7. 0
libswscale 4. 8.100 / 4. 8.100
libswresample 2. 9.100 / 2. 9.100
libpostproc 54. 7.100 / 54. 7.100
Splitting the commandline.
Reading option '-headers' ... matched as AVOption 'headers' with argument '
Cookie: GPS=1; PREF=f1=50000000&hl=en; VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=YYVg5wZlZM4; YSC=nqFTzbjynHk; s_gl=1d69aac621b2f9c0a25dade722d6e24bcwIAAABVUw==
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:59.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5'.
Reading option '-i' ... matched as input url with argument 'http://localhost:8000'.
Reading option '-v' ... matched as option 'v' (set logging level) with argument 'trace'.
Finished splitting the commandline.
Parsing a group of options: global .
Applying option v (set logging level) with argument trace.
Successfully parsed a group of options.
Parsing a group of options: input url http://localhost:8000.
Successfully parsed a group of options.
Opening an input file: http://localhost:8000.
[NULL @ 0x556cf5231a60] Opening 'http://localhost:8000' for reading
[http @ 0x556cf5232780] Setting default whitelist 'http,https,tls,rtp,tcp,udp,crypto,httpproxy'
[http @ 0x556cf5232780] No trailing CRLF found in HTTP header.
[http @ 0x556cf5232780] request: GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Lavf/57.83.100
Accept: */*
Range: bytes=0-
Connection: close
Host: localhost:8000
Icy-MetaData: 1

Cookie: GPS=1; PREF=f1=50000000&hl=en; VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=YYVg5wZlZM4; YSC=nqFTzbjynHk; s_gl=1d69aac621b2f9c0a25dade722d6e24bcwIAAABVUw==
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:59.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5

[http @ 0x556cf5232780] header='HTTP/1.0 200 OK'
[http @ 0x556cf5232780] http_code=200

share|improve this question

  • 1

    What's the issue? It's a warning, not an error. ffmpeg appends the trailing CRLF on its own and proceeds.

    – Gyan
    Jan 28 at 6:02


I'm trying to use the -headers command in ffmpeg, but with the following command I'm getting a No trailing CRLF found in HTTP header error.

ffmpeg -headers "$(printf 'n%sn%sn%sn%sn%sn%snn' 'Cookie: GPS=1; PREF=f1=50000000&hl=en; VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=YYVg5wZlZM4; YSC=nqFTzbjynHk; s_gl=1d69aac621b2f9c0a25dade722d6e24bcwIAAABVUw==' 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:59.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0' 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8' 'Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7' 'Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5')" -i http://localhost:8000 -v trace

This is the ffmpeg -v output (Note I've also tried with rn, \r\n, \n as well instead of just n still get the same error (the double incase of printf escape)

ffmpeg -headers "$(printf 'n%sn%sn%sn%sn%sn%snn' 'Cookie: GPS=1; PREF=f1=50000000&hl=en; VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=YYVg5wZlZM4; YSC=nqFTzbjynHk; s_gl=1d69aac621b2f9c0a25dade722d6e24bcwIAAABVUw==' 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:59.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0' 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8' 'Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7' 'Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5')" -i http://localhost:8000 -v trace
ffmpeg version 3.4.4-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 Copyright (c) 2000-2018 the FFmpeg developers
built with gcc 7 (Ubuntu 7.3.0-16ubuntu3)
configuration: --prefix=/usr --extra-version=0ubuntu0.18.04.1 --toolchain=hardened --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --incdir=/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu --enable-gpl --disable-stripping --enable-avresample --enable-avisynth --enable-gnutls --enable-ladspa --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libbs2b --enable-libcaca --enable-libcdio --enable-libflite --enable-libfontconfig --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libgme --enable-libgsm --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libmysofa --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopenmpt --enable-libopus --enable-libpulse --enable-librubberband --enable-librsvg --enable-libshine --enable-libsnappy --enable-libsoxr --enable-libspeex --enable-libssh --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libwavpack --enable-libwebp --enable-libx265 --enable-libxml2 --enable-libxvid --enable-libzmq --enable-libzvbi --enable-omx --enable-openal --enable-opengl --enable-sdl2 --enable-libdc1394 --enable-libdrm --enable-libiec61883 --enable-chromaprint --enable-frei0r --enable-libopencv --enable-libx264 --enable-shared
libavutil 55. 78.100 / 55. 78.100
libavcodec 57.107.100 / 57.107.100
libavformat 57. 83.100 / 57. 83.100
libavdevice 57. 10.100 / 57. 10.100
libavfilter 6.107.100 / 6.107.100
libavresample 3. 7. 0 / 3. 7. 0
libswscale 4. 8.100 / 4. 8.100
libswresample 2. 9.100 / 2. 9.100
libpostproc 54. 7.100 / 54. 7.100
Splitting the commandline.
Reading option '-headers' ... matched as AVOption 'headers' with argument '
Cookie: GPS=1; PREF=f1=50000000&hl=en; VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=YYVg5wZlZM4; YSC=nqFTzbjynHk; s_gl=1d69aac621b2f9c0a25dade722d6e24bcwIAAABVUw==
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:59.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5'.
Reading option '-i' ... matched as input url with argument 'http://localhost:8000'.
Reading option '-v' ... matched as option 'v' (set logging level) with argument 'trace'.
Finished splitting the commandline.
Parsing a group of options: global .
Applying option v (set logging level) with argument trace.
Successfully parsed a group of options.
Parsing a group of options: input url http://localhost:8000.
Successfully parsed a group of options.
Opening an input file: http://localhost:8000.
[NULL @ 0x556cf5231a60] Opening 'http://localhost:8000' for reading
[http @ 0x556cf5232780] Setting default whitelist 'http,https,tls,rtp,tcp,udp,crypto,httpproxy'
[http @ 0x556cf5232780] No trailing CRLF found in HTTP header.
[http @ 0x556cf5232780] request: GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Lavf/57.83.100
Accept: */*
Range: bytes=0-
Connection: close
Host: localhost:8000
Icy-MetaData: 1

Cookie: GPS=1; PREF=f1=50000000&hl=en; VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=YYVg5wZlZM4; YSC=nqFTzbjynHk; s_gl=1d69aac621b2f9c0a25dade722d6e24bcwIAAABVUw==
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:59.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5

[http @ 0x556cf5232780] header='HTTP/1.0 200 OK'
[http @ 0x556cf5232780] http_code=200

share|improve this question

  • 1

    What's the issue? It's a warning, not an error. ffmpeg appends the trailing CRLF on its own and proceeds.

    – Gyan
    Jan 28 at 6:02




I'm trying to use the -headers command in ffmpeg, but with the following command I'm getting a No trailing CRLF found in HTTP header error.

ffmpeg -headers "$(printf 'n%sn%sn%sn%sn%sn%snn' 'Cookie: GPS=1; PREF=f1=50000000&hl=en; VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=YYVg5wZlZM4; YSC=nqFTzbjynHk; s_gl=1d69aac621b2f9c0a25dade722d6e24bcwIAAABVUw==' 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:59.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0' 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8' 'Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7' 'Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5')" -i http://localhost:8000 -v trace

This is the ffmpeg -v output (Note I've also tried with rn, \r\n, \n as well instead of just n still get the same error (the double incase of printf escape)

ffmpeg -headers "$(printf 'n%sn%sn%sn%sn%sn%snn' 'Cookie: GPS=1; PREF=f1=50000000&hl=en; VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=YYVg5wZlZM4; YSC=nqFTzbjynHk; s_gl=1d69aac621b2f9c0a25dade722d6e24bcwIAAABVUw==' 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:59.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0' 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8' 'Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7' 'Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5')" -i http://localhost:8000 -v trace
ffmpeg version 3.4.4-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 Copyright (c) 2000-2018 the FFmpeg developers
built with gcc 7 (Ubuntu 7.3.0-16ubuntu3)
configuration: --prefix=/usr --extra-version=0ubuntu0.18.04.1 --toolchain=hardened --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --incdir=/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu --enable-gpl --disable-stripping --enable-avresample --enable-avisynth --enable-gnutls --enable-ladspa --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libbs2b --enable-libcaca --enable-libcdio --enable-libflite --enable-libfontconfig --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libgme --enable-libgsm --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libmysofa --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopenmpt --enable-libopus --enable-libpulse --enable-librubberband --enable-librsvg --enable-libshine --enable-libsnappy --enable-libsoxr --enable-libspeex --enable-libssh --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libwavpack --enable-libwebp --enable-libx265 --enable-libxml2 --enable-libxvid --enable-libzmq --enable-libzvbi --enable-omx --enable-openal --enable-opengl --enable-sdl2 --enable-libdc1394 --enable-libdrm --enable-libiec61883 --enable-chromaprint --enable-frei0r --enable-libopencv --enable-libx264 --enable-shared
libavutil 55. 78.100 / 55. 78.100
libavcodec 57.107.100 / 57.107.100
libavformat 57. 83.100 / 57. 83.100
libavdevice 57. 10.100 / 57. 10.100
libavfilter 6.107.100 / 6.107.100
libavresample 3. 7. 0 / 3. 7. 0
libswscale 4. 8.100 / 4. 8.100
libswresample 2. 9.100 / 2. 9.100
libpostproc 54. 7.100 / 54. 7.100
Splitting the commandline.
Reading option '-headers' ... matched as AVOption 'headers' with argument '
Cookie: GPS=1; PREF=f1=50000000&hl=en; VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=YYVg5wZlZM4; YSC=nqFTzbjynHk; s_gl=1d69aac621b2f9c0a25dade722d6e24bcwIAAABVUw==
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:59.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5'.
Reading option '-i' ... matched as input url with argument 'http://localhost:8000'.
Reading option '-v' ... matched as option 'v' (set logging level) with argument 'trace'.
Finished splitting the commandline.
Parsing a group of options: global .
Applying option v (set logging level) with argument trace.
Successfully parsed a group of options.
Parsing a group of options: input url http://localhost:8000.
Successfully parsed a group of options.
Opening an input file: http://localhost:8000.
[NULL @ 0x556cf5231a60] Opening 'http://localhost:8000' for reading
[http @ 0x556cf5232780] Setting default whitelist 'http,https,tls,rtp,tcp,udp,crypto,httpproxy'
[http @ 0x556cf5232780] No trailing CRLF found in HTTP header.
[http @ 0x556cf5232780] request: GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Lavf/57.83.100
Accept: */*
Range: bytes=0-
Connection: close
Host: localhost:8000
Icy-MetaData: 1

Cookie: GPS=1; PREF=f1=50000000&hl=en; VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=YYVg5wZlZM4; YSC=nqFTzbjynHk; s_gl=1d69aac621b2f9c0a25dade722d6e24bcwIAAABVUw==
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:59.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5

[http @ 0x556cf5232780] header='HTTP/1.0 200 OK'
[http @ 0x556cf5232780] http_code=200

share|improve this question

I'm trying to use the -headers command in ffmpeg, but with the following command I'm getting a No trailing CRLF found in HTTP header error.

ffmpeg -headers "$(printf 'n%sn%sn%sn%sn%sn%snn' 'Cookie: GPS=1; PREF=f1=50000000&hl=en; VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=YYVg5wZlZM4; YSC=nqFTzbjynHk; s_gl=1d69aac621b2f9c0a25dade722d6e24bcwIAAABVUw==' 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:59.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0' 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8' 'Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7' 'Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5')" -i http://localhost:8000 -v trace

This is the ffmpeg -v output (Note I've also tried with rn, \r\n, \n as well instead of just n still get the same error (the double incase of printf escape)

ffmpeg -headers "$(printf 'n%sn%sn%sn%sn%sn%snn' 'Cookie: GPS=1; PREF=f1=50000000&hl=en; VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=YYVg5wZlZM4; YSC=nqFTzbjynHk; s_gl=1d69aac621b2f9c0a25dade722d6e24bcwIAAABVUw==' 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:59.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0' 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8' 'Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7' 'Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5')" -i http://localhost:8000 -v trace
ffmpeg version 3.4.4-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 Copyright (c) 2000-2018 the FFmpeg developers
built with gcc 7 (Ubuntu 7.3.0-16ubuntu3)
configuration: --prefix=/usr --extra-version=0ubuntu0.18.04.1 --toolchain=hardened --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --incdir=/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu --enable-gpl --disable-stripping --enable-avresample --enable-avisynth --enable-gnutls --enable-ladspa --enable-libass --enable-libbluray --enable-libbs2b --enable-libcaca --enable-libcdio --enable-libflite --enable-libfontconfig --enable-libfreetype --enable-libfribidi --enable-libgme --enable-libgsm --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libmysofa --enable-libopenjpeg --enable-libopenmpt --enable-libopus --enable-libpulse --enable-librubberband --enable-librsvg --enable-libshine --enable-libsnappy --enable-libsoxr --enable-libspeex --enable-libssh --enable-libtheora --enable-libtwolame --enable-libvorbis --enable-libvpx --enable-libwavpack --enable-libwebp --enable-libx265 --enable-libxml2 --enable-libxvid --enable-libzmq --enable-libzvbi --enable-omx --enable-openal --enable-opengl --enable-sdl2 --enable-libdc1394 --enable-libdrm --enable-libiec61883 --enable-chromaprint --enable-frei0r --enable-libopencv --enable-libx264 --enable-shared
libavutil 55. 78.100 / 55. 78.100
libavcodec 57.107.100 / 57.107.100
libavformat 57. 83.100 / 57. 83.100
libavdevice 57. 10.100 / 57. 10.100
libavfilter 6.107.100 / 6.107.100
libavresample 3. 7. 0 / 3. 7. 0
libswscale 4. 8.100 / 4. 8.100
libswresample 2. 9.100 / 2. 9.100
libpostproc 54. 7.100 / 54. 7.100
Splitting the commandline.
Reading option '-headers' ... matched as AVOption 'headers' with argument '
Cookie: GPS=1; PREF=f1=50000000&hl=en; VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=YYVg5wZlZM4; YSC=nqFTzbjynHk; s_gl=1d69aac621b2f9c0a25dade722d6e24bcwIAAABVUw==
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:59.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5'.
Reading option '-i' ... matched as input url with argument 'http://localhost:8000'.
Reading option '-v' ... matched as option 'v' (set logging level) with argument 'trace'.
Finished splitting the commandline.
Parsing a group of options: global .
Applying option v (set logging level) with argument trace.
Successfully parsed a group of options.
Parsing a group of options: input url http://localhost:8000.
Successfully parsed a group of options.
Opening an input file: http://localhost:8000.
[NULL @ 0x556cf5231a60] Opening 'http://localhost:8000' for reading
[http @ 0x556cf5232780] Setting default whitelist 'http,https,tls,rtp,tcp,udp,crypto,httpproxy'
[http @ 0x556cf5232780] No trailing CRLF found in HTTP header.
[http @ 0x556cf5232780] request: GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Lavf/57.83.100
Accept: */*
Range: bytes=0-
Connection: close
Host: localhost:8000
Icy-MetaData: 1

Cookie: GPS=1; PREF=f1=50000000&hl=en; VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=YYVg5wZlZM4; YSC=nqFTzbjynHk; s_gl=1d69aac621b2f9c0a25dade722d6e24bcwIAAABVUw==
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:59.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5

[http @ 0x556cf5232780] header='HTTP/1.0 200 OK'
[http @ 0x556cf5232780] http_code=200

linux ffmpeg

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Jan 28 at 5:48


asked Jan 28 at 2:40




  • 1

    What's the issue? It's a warning, not an error. ffmpeg appends the trailing CRLF on its own and proceeds.

    – Gyan
    Jan 28 at 6:02

  • 1

    What's the issue? It's a warning, not an error. ffmpeg appends the trailing CRLF on its own and proceeds.

    – Gyan
    Jan 28 at 6:02



What's the issue? It's a warning, not an error. ffmpeg appends the trailing CRLF on its own and proceeds.

– Gyan
Jan 28 at 6:02

What's the issue? It's a warning, not an error. ffmpeg appends the trailing CRLF on its own and proceeds.

– Gyan
Jan 28 at 6:02

1 Answer





This comment is right:

It's a warning, not an error. ffmpeg appends the trailing CRLF on its own and proceeds.

My answer explains why the tool cannot "see" CRLF even if you use rn in printf. It's because of $(). POSIX specification says [emphasis mine]:



The shell shall expand the command substitution by executing command in a subshell environment [...] and replacing the command substitution (the text of command plus the enclosing $() or backquotes) with the standard output of the command, removing sequences of one or more <newline> characters at the end of the substitution.

So there's no way to get a trailing n from $().

You can ask your shell to add trailing newlines, although not all shells support this. In Bash instead of

foo "$(printf 'n%srn' 'bar')"


foo "$(printf 'n%s' 'bar')"$'rn'

See How does the leading dollar sign affect single quotes in Bash?

share|improve this answer

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    1 Answer











    This comment is right:

    It's a warning, not an error. ffmpeg appends the trailing CRLF on its own and proceeds.

    My answer explains why the tool cannot "see" CRLF even if you use rn in printf. It's because of $(). POSIX specification says [emphasis mine]:



    The shell shall expand the command substitution by executing command in a subshell environment [...] and replacing the command substitution (the text of command plus the enclosing $() or backquotes) with the standard output of the command, removing sequences of one or more <newline> characters at the end of the substitution.

    So there's no way to get a trailing n from $().

    You can ask your shell to add trailing newlines, although not all shells support this. In Bash instead of

    foo "$(printf 'n%srn' 'bar')"


    foo "$(printf 'n%s' 'bar')"$'rn'

    See How does the leading dollar sign affect single quotes in Bash?

    share|improve this answer


      This comment is right:

      It's a warning, not an error. ffmpeg appends the trailing CRLF on its own and proceeds.

      My answer explains why the tool cannot "see" CRLF even if you use rn in printf. It's because of $(). POSIX specification says [emphasis mine]:



      The shell shall expand the command substitution by executing command in a subshell environment [...] and replacing the command substitution (the text of command plus the enclosing $() or backquotes) with the standard output of the command, removing sequences of one or more <newline> characters at the end of the substitution.

      So there's no way to get a trailing n from $().

      You can ask your shell to add trailing newlines, although not all shells support this. In Bash instead of

      foo "$(printf 'n%srn' 'bar')"


      foo "$(printf 'n%s' 'bar')"$'rn'

      See How does the leading dollar sign affect single quotes in Bash?

      share|improve this answer




        This comment is right:

        It's a warning, not an error. ffmpeg appends the trailing CRLF on its own and proceeds.

        My answer explains why the tool cannot "see" CRLF even if you use rn in printf. It's because of $(). POSIX specification says [emphasis mine]:



        The shell shall expand the command substitution by executing command in a subshell environment [...] and replacing the command substitution (the text of command plus the enclosing $() or backquotes) with the standard output of the command, removing sequences of one or more <newline> characters at the end of the substitution.

        So there's no way to get a trailing n from $().

        You can ask your shell to add trailing newlines, although not all shells support this. In Bash instead of

        foo "$(printf 'n%srn' 'bar')"


        foo "$(printf 'n%s' 'bar')"$'rn'

        See How does the leading dollar sign affect single quotes in Bash?

        share|improve this answer

        This comment is right:

        It's a warning, not an error. ffmpeg appends the trailing CRLF on its own and proceeds.

        My answer explains why the tool cannot "see" CRLF even if you use rn in printf. It's because of $(). POSIX specification says [emphasis mine]:



        The shell shall expand the command substitution by executing command in a subshell environment [...] and replacing the command substitution (the text of command plus the enclosing $() or backquotes) with the standard output of the command, removing sequences of one or more <newline> characters at the end of the substitution.

        So there's no way to get a trailing n from $().

        You can ask your shell to add trailing newlines, although not all shells support this. In Bash instead of

        foo "$(printf 'n%srn' 'bar')"


        foo "$(printf 'n%s' 'bar')"$'rn'

        See How does the leading dollar sign affect single quotes in Bash?

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        edited Jan 28 at 7:59

        answered Jan 28 at 7:35

        Kamil MaciorowskiKamil Maciorowski



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